1 Mercury SMTP Server 2 MercuryS 100 MercuryS SMTP Server 200 Debug : %d\n 201 Discard : %ld\n 202 HELO : %s\n 203 Logfile : %s\n 204 Form3 : %d\n 205 Size : %ld\n 206 Timeout : %u\n 207 Switch : %d\n 208 Stack : %d\n 209 Refuse : %d.%d.%d.%d\n 210 Allow : %d.%d.%d.%d\n 211 Relay : %d\n 212 Strict_Relay : %d\n 213 Server_Port : %d\n 214 8BitMime : %d\n 215 Interface : %s\n 216 Session_logging : %s\n 217 Session_logmode : %d\n 218 Allow_Illegals : %d\n 219 SMTP_Authentication : %d\n 220 Auth_File : %s\n 221 Killfile : %s\n 222 RBL_Enabled : %d\n 223 RBL_Host : %s\n 224 RBL_Action : %d\n 225 RBL_Refer : %s\n 226 RBL_Message : %s\n 227 ORBS_Enabled : %d\n 228 ORBS_Host : %s\n 229 ORBS_Action : %d\n 230 ORBS_Refer : %s\n 231 ORBS_Message : %s\n 232 ORBS_Strictness : %d\n 233 Alt_Server_Port : %d\n 234 Compliance_Settings : %d\n 235 Maximum_Failed_Rcpts : %d\n 236 Compliance_Exceptions : %s\n 237 Max_Relay_Attempts : %d\n 238 SSL_Mode : %d\n 239 SSL_Certfile : %s\n 240 ST_Blacklisting : %d\n 241 TF_Filename : %s\n 242 No_VRFY : %d\n 300 blackholes.mail-abuse.org 301 Blocked by MAPS RBL - see http://www.mail-abuse.org/rbl/ 310 inputs.orbs.org 311 Blocked by ORBS - see http://www.orbs.org 750 Ready 751 Offline 800 General 801 Connection control 802 Spam control 803 Compliance 804 SSL 1500 Total incoming connections 1501 Incoming ESMTP connections 1502 Incoming SMTP connections 1503 Connections refused 1504 TCP/IP kilobytes read 1505 TCP/IP kilobytes written 1506 AUTH commands received 1507 AUTH commands failed 1508 SMTP relay attempts received 1509 SMTP relay attempts refused 1510 Abnormal connection terminations 1511 Largest message received (KB) 1512 VRFY commands received 1513 RCPTs - total received 1514 RCPTs - total refused 1515 Compliance - missing SIZE declarations 1516 Compliance - pure HTML mail rejected 1517 Compliance - non-MIME mail rejected 1518 Compliance - mail without Subjects 1519 Compliance - mail without Dates 1520 Compliance - too many failed RCPTS 1521 Compliance - mail with empty Subjects 1522 Messages rejected by Killfile 1523 STARTTLS initiation failures 1524 Connections refused short-term 1525 Transfilter: connections refused 1526 Transfilter: connections dropped 1527 Short-term blacklist - current 1528 Short-term blacklist - peak 5000 Select the file containing the certificate 5001 Select the file containing the certificate's private key